Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Second race...

SAME FUCKING RESULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have discovered I am a great lead out man….for FUCKING everyone.

Last night I had a plan a good plan not like my orange slice candy and 50k plan but a real plan. The plan was to sit in and keep my nose out of the wind. Simple plan for a simple man. I need that right? So with the threat of rain there were only 9 or 10 of us in the C race. There were a couple new guys I hadn't seen the first race so I wasn't sure what to expect. I had a decent warm up and was ready to go.

I executed the plan to perfection…the first half of the race was just as I hoped. I stayed out of the wind and in 4-6th wheel as we all stayed together. There wasn't really any aggression to speak of but we were keep the pace pretty high. We get a little half way through and new guy from Arkansas decides to move…I covered it no problem and drug everyone with. We get the 5 laps to go and fat dude in Excel jersey makes a huge move. The group must have been in shock cause this dude is twice my size and can fucking ride. I figured since I chased the first attack down someone would chase this one down, assholes look around like someone farted in an elevator. So what does dipshit Kurt do…takes up the cause and goes across…then what does Fatfuckk do…SLOWS DOWN to a crawl…I said "dude ride!" fuckweed…says that is all I got…we nice but we still have three laps to go.

We get caught and with two to go I say screw it I am hanging on to blue shirt guy (he won last week) if my lungs shoot out my ass. We get the bell and we are freaking cranking away and into the last corner we go…I am on his wheel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think awesome I got his ASS. Then FUCK ME! The guy behind me jumps and it is a 3 up sprint…I am 3rd again! SHIT

Seriously ya'll should race them. The only thing better is cross and we all know that CROSS RULZ!

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